Thursday, April 29, 2010

A Day in Paris by myself!

I thought myself very brave to catch the train back into Paris to see the Turner Exhibition at the Grand Palais on the Champs-Elysees. I walked from the station in Paris, St Lazare, to the Grand Palais, without much drama, asking a gendarme on the way if I was on the right track. He, and a few of his friends were guarding something very important. He was very tolerant of where I was pointing to on my map which happened to be just at the end of the street. Tourists!!!

The exhibition was worth the short queue. We were entertained by a man playing the clarinet at the base of the stairs.

Lovely to see the Arc de Triumph and the Place de la Concorde another time on such a sunny, very warm day.

On the way back I had time to have a look in some shops along the Bd Haussmann. I went into Au Printemps-Indooroopilly Shopping Town eat your heart out!!! The most beautiful everything with a price tag to match of course. I was waiting for someone to come and ask me to leave. Everything was sooooo sumptuous.

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